


Entropy inequalities

Definition. Let be Renyi entropy, for probability density function is Shannon entropy. and . and . We derive some properties by assuming . where is covariant matrix and is constant. Theorem 1 ( joint entropy inequatliy) Let be probability …

The graph of probability bound

I show the graph of probability bound. Theorem1 Let be a continuous random variable with expected value and variance . Let be a probability density function. Let be . Then, where is a real root of 3-order equation. . Corollary 1. Let be a …


今回、考察の動機になったのは、Renyiエントロピーの指数関数とq次のモーメントのq乗根がスケール変換 に対して、全て同じ変換を受けるということでした。そこで予想したのがある定数cが存在し、が成り立つのではないか?ということです。左側の不等式は、一…

The motivation.

The motivation of research is the transformation of and are the same for scale transformation.where, is Renyi entropy.I think and derive Renyi EPI and extended Chebyshev inequality.