

The graph of probability bound

I show the graph of probability bound.


Let X \in \mathcal{R} be a continuous random variable with expected value \mu and variance \sigma^2.

Let f(X) be a probability density function.

Let m_k be m_k=\sup_{|x-\mu|\geq k\sigma} f(x).


 Pr(|x-\mu|\geq k\sigma)\leq\alpha (m_k\sigma)


\alpha is a real root of 3-order equation.

N(x)=\frac{1}{2\pi}x^3+k x^2+e k^2 x -\frac{e}{m_k\sigma}=0.


Corollary 1.

Let X \in \mathcal{Z} be a discrete random variable with expected value \mu and variance \sigma^2.

Let p(X) be a probability mass function.

Let m_k be m_k=\sup_{\{x\leq\lceil {\mu-k\sigma} \rceil\}\cup\{x\geq\lfloor {\mu+k\sigma} \rfloor\}} p(x).


 Pr(|x-\mu|\geq k\sigma)\leq\alpha (m_kr\sigma)+p(\lceil\mu-k\sigma\rceil)


\alpha is a real root of 3-order equation.

N(x)=\frac{1}{2\pi}x^3+\frac{k}{r} x^2+e{(\frac{k}{r})}^2 x -\frac{e}{m_kr\sigma}=0.



About the proof, please see the article on April 11th.

The example of normal distribution.


The example of Poisson distribution.


"Probability" is the result of actual normal distribution, "Chebyshev" is Chebyshev inequality, and "New bound" is the result of Theorem 1. and Corollary 1.


The python code is 


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Apr 10 22:09:53 2018

@author: HobbyMath

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats
import sympy

k_max =50
Pr = np.ones(k_max , dtype=float)
chebyshev= np.ones(k_max , dtype=float)
bound= np.ones(k_max , dtype=float)

t = sympy.Symbol('t')
for i in range(1,k_max + 1):
delta = 0.1
k = i * delta + 1
pos = k * sigma + mu
pos2 = - k* sigma + mu

pos_int = np.floor(k * sigma + mu) + 1
pos2_int = np.floor(-k * sigma + mu)

##########normal distribution######
# m = stats.norm.pdf(x=pos, loc=mu, scale=sigma)
# Pr[i] = 1 - stats.norm.cdf(x=pos, loc=mu, scale=sigma) + stats.norm.cdf(x=pos2, loc=mu, scale=sigma)

#########Poisson distribution######
m = max(stats.poisson.pmf(pos_int, mu), stats.poisson.pmf(pos2_int - 1, mu))
Pr[i] = 1 - stats.poisson.cdf(pos, mu) + stats.poisson.cdf(pos2, mu)

#########binomal distribution######
# n=10
# p=0.5
# sigma = np.sqrt(n * p * (1 - p))
# mu=n * p
# m=max(stats.binom.pmf(pos_int, n, p), stats.binom.pmf(pos2_int - 1, n, p))
# Pr[i] = 1 - stats.binom.cdf(pos, n, p) + stats.binom.cdf(pos2, n, p)

chebyshev[i] = 1 / k**2
r = np.sqrt(1 + 1 / (12 * sigma ** 2))
#r = 1
eq = 0.5 / np.pi * t**3 + k * t**2 / r + np.e * k**2 / r**2 * t - np.e / (m * r * sigma)
tmp = np.array(sympy.solve(eq), dtype=complex)
# bound[i]=np.abs(tmp[0]) * m * r * sigma
bound[i]=np.abs(tmp[0]) * m * r * sigma + stats.poisson.pmf(pos2_int , mu)

plt.title("Poisson distribution(mu=1, sigma=1")

prange = np.arange(1 ,k_max)
x = prange.astype(np.float64) * delta + 1.0

p1 = plt.plot(x, Pr[prange])
p2 = plt.plot(x, chebyshev[prange])

p3 = plt.plot(x, bound[prange])

plt.legend((p1[0], p2[0], p3[0]), ("Probability", "Chebyshev", "New bound"), loc=5)